- (2023). Dynamic causal effects evaluation in a/b testing with a reinforcement learning framework.
- Related to SUTVA method.
- Develop online experiment methods in the presence of interference (effect over time, rather than across units).
- A single unit in an experiment receives a series of treatments over time.
- There are at least three major challenges in practice:
- (i) Accounting for the carryover effect when establishing causal inference.
- (ii) Implementing sequential hypothesis testing to stop the experiment once a stopping rule is reached, due to time and budget constraints.
- (iii) Designing the testing procedure to allow for adaptive treatment assignment.
- How authors propose solutions:
- Introduce a RL framework to solve (i)
- They propose a sequential testing procedure to detect differences between two value functions, addressing the challenges outlined in (ii) and (iii).
- The proposed test combines reinforcement learning and sequential analysis, enabling sequential monitoring and online updating.
- The authors’ proposal tackles a crucial business challenge for ride-sharing companies (Uber).