Create a Virtual Env for Every New Project
python -m venv your_env_name
Git Push
git remote add origin
git status
git add .
git commit -m 'message'
git push --set-upstream origin master
Git Pull
- error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: logs/dbt.log
- Confirm that issue is to “Changes not staged for commit”: run
git status
- In my case, it is due to this file “logs/dbt.log” was not staged and committed. I don’t want to.
- For some people, there were no such a file and this error still occurs. Same solution here.
- Delete the problematic file (here, dbt.log)
- Run
git reset --hard
- Confirm that there is no more changes needed to be staged: run
git status
- Retry run
git pull
- Source
- Confirm that issue is to “Changes not staged for commit”: run
Use Multiple GitHub Accounts in VS Code
Can use different ways. Other than config the settings, here is another option.
- Log in to VS Code with Account 1.
- Download the portable version of VS Code and log in with Account 2.
- If you are using one account and running into authorization issue during a commit, try adding the other account as the Collaborator of the repo then try to commit again.