Tho Le

A Data Scientist. Looking for knowledge!

Activation Functions

18 Feb 2025 » ml, dl, activation

Why bother?

  • To provide some non-linearity to the model –> allow it to learn more complex data.
  • Hence, must be monotonic, differentiable, and quickly converging w.r.t the weights.


  • Sigmoid: input: all real (-inf,+inf), output: [0,1].
    • Therefore, can represent the class probabilities.
    • Derivatives can be expressed i.t.o. the function itself.
  • Tanh (Hyperbolic Tangent): output: [-1,1].
    • Derivatives can be expressed i.t.o. the function itself.
  • RELU (Rectified Linear Unit):
    • if the initial output is <0, then output 0. If not, do nothing to the initial output.
    • The formula max(0,z) is deceptively simple.
    • Same benefit as Sigmoid, but with better performance.
  • Leaky ReLU:
    • Purpose is to fix the “dying ReLU” gradient problem.
    • When z<0, instead of output 0, it outputs a small, non-zero constant gradient alpha (normally, alpha=0.01). The performance consistency across tasks is still unclear.
  • Parametric ReLU:
    • Let Neurons choose what slope is best in the negative region.
    • PReLU can become either ReLU or Leaky ReLU with certain values of alpha.
  • Maxout:
    • a generalization of the ReLU and the leaky ReLU functions. It is a piecewise linear function that returns the maximum of inputs, designed to be used in conjunction with the dropout regularization technique. Both ReLU and leaky ReLU are special cases of Maxout.
    • The Maxout neuron, therefore, enjoys all the benefits of a ReLU unit and does not have any drawbacks like dying ReLU. However, it doubles the total number of parameters for each neuron, and hence, a higher total number of parameters need to be trained.
  • ELU (Exponential Linear Unit):
    • Converges faster, produces more accurate results.
    • Unlike other activiation functions, ELU has an extra alpha const, which is a positive number.
    • Similar to ReLU, except for negative inputs:
      • ELU smoothly slowly until its output equal to -alpha, while ReLU sharply smoothes.

General Tips on what to choose

  • Depends on the problem type, and the range of expected output.
  • if want to predict value >1 🡪 use ReLU (can’t sigmoid or Tanh).
  • if want to predict value in (0,1) or (-1,1) 🡪 don’t use ReLU.
  • Classification to predict prob dist. Over mutually exclusive class labels 🡪 softmax in the last layer. If binary class 🡪 use Sigmoid in last layer.
    • In hidden layer, don’t use Sigmoid or Tanh.
    • In hidden layer, as a rule of thumb, use ReLU. Even better: Leaky ReLU.

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