I will keep adding more tips as I found them useful.
Exploring data
- Find the number of nulls for all cols
col_null_cnt_df = df.select([count(when(col(c).isNull(),c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns])
- Get a list of distinct values on a column.
user_list = [row.user_pin[0] for row in df.select('user_pin').distinct().collect()]
A less-efficient way, but worth noting:
user_list = list(df.toPandas()['user_pin'].value_counts().keys())
- Sorting Multiple ways:
df.sort(desc('col1'), asc('col2')).show() # col2 is considered ascending only if there is a tie in col1 df.sort(df.user_pin.desc()).show() df.orderBy(['user_pin', 'time'], ascending = [0,1]).show()
- Given a df, find the fraction of rows for each value of my_col
def t_find_fraction(dfi, my_col): from pyspark.sql import functions as F total=dfi.count() result=(dfi.groupBy(my_col).count() .withColumn('total',F.lit(total)) .withColumn('fraction',F.expr('count/total')) # .filter('fraction>0.1') ) return result
Interoperability with Python
Sometimes, you have to switch back and forth between python and pyspark (due to scalability vs flexibility). The following tips can help.
- Functions: In pyspark.sql.functions apply to only to dataframe columns (instead of to python variables). Hence, if you do:
from pyspark.sql.functions import sqrt
then you would need to explicitly use np.sqrt() on a python variable. Hence, it’s a good practice to import only the functions you need to improve speed and avoid overwriting other functions in python.
- Data types: If you use np.sqrt() on a variable, the returned value is of type np.float64, which is not accepted by a df in pyspark. A solution is to use np.sqrt().item() which returns type float and this is accepted by pyspark.
Interoperability with SQL
- Either way works:
df.filter(col("act_date").between("2016-10-01", "2017-04-01")) df.filter("act_date BETWEEN '2016-10-01' AND '2017-04-01'")
- Be careful with some differences between the two. For example, you need to extract a sub-string from a string. These usually rely on the starting and ending index/character that you want to extract. While python’s indexing starts from 0, SQL’s indexing starts from 1.
A few useful functions
I will find a way to add these later. It takes a lot of space.
Miscellaneous tips
- Don’t create variables with names reserved for functions (e.g.,